Interaction shame???

I’ve been noticing lately how many people seem a little apologetic when they tell me or show me what they do when they are interacting with people with PIMD. I hear things like “we just muck around”, “just have cuddles and stuff”, “we don’t do much”, “I probably baby her a bit”, “you’ll think I’m a bit of a loon”. But the person knows that those are the things that work in interactions: playfulness, fun, repetition, quiet being together, tickles. Why is that people are apologetic about doing these things, when they are the things that contribute to a person’s quality of life? Why can’t people stand up and be proud (in the home, day service, and out and about) and say this is what being with this person in a meaningful way is all about?
So many great quality interactions happen in bathrooms and bedrooms behind closed doors (often people are more vocal, move more, and are most alert) where people won’t be embarrassed by their playful interactions – can we get playfulness out of the closet?!?

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