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Voice – Leaving Allen Street

It was great to watch Leaving Allen Street on ABC Plus last night. I think they did a good job at capturing some of the meanings behind going from congregate care to living in a group home. There were many delightful characteristics – my 9 year old, watching at with me, commented, “I like him” pointing the guy that showed exuberance and delight in the move.
My interest, however, was also piqued by the tendancy to fade out the voices of people who were voicing, but it was either a vocalisation or or unintelligible speech. You may hear a few seconds of their voice then there would be a fade to the narrator.
I wonder why this was done. I guess common sense might suggest that the person wasn’t saying anything of meaning to the audience. I wonder if there was a perception that showing that might represent people in an undignified way. I don’t know.
Does it however reflect what might happen in everyday life – the intelligible is given preference over the unintelligible?
Just got me thinking… (but I won’t get started now of the absence of formal AAC systems and what that might say about the direction of service provision…)

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