This was front page of the Sunday Scotsman newspaper. Very interesting article calling to reexamine the touch aversive environment of children’s environments.
Do we need the a similar reconsideration in the support systems of adults with PIMD?
Children’s commissioner: Rules on touching ‘wrong’ – Scotland –
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Doll therapy in aged care
Just read this on the Spark of Life website. It resonated with me as something that might relate to some people with PIMD.
Great new film online
I just found out about a really great film that is available online.
Here’s info about it…
“If you listen, you will hear us”
A Leicestershire-produced DVD and guidelines aimed at involving people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) in the planning and commissioning of services that they use has been launched.
‘If You Listen, You Will Hear Us’ project gives a voice to all people with PMLD. It has been produced by the Leicester and Leicestershire Learning Disability Partnership Boards along with frontline staff, carers and people with learning disabilities themselves.
The Lost Generation
It was great to be reminded the other day of The Lost Generation project by DADAA, and even more exciting to be pointed to them on the Disseminate website.
In 2008 I first heard about the project. The project involved films of people with disabilities in WA, Storytellers. I remember as a room full of professionals discussed a film of a man sitting in the sand running his fingers and making patterns. Some proposed that it should be called sand sculpting. Some questioned the value of showing a man “in his own world”. How should this man be presented to this world?
You can catch a brief glimsp of David in Episode 4 of the Findings documentary.
The whole project is worth a look!