upcoming event – Raising Our Sights

Cross posting this event that might be of interest (related to below mentioned report)
Raising our sights: services for adults with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities
Professor Jim Mansell
Friday 16 April 2.00pm – 5.00pm
Presented by Professor Jim Mansell, Director of the Tizard Centre, University of Kent
Implementation of new government policy for people with intellectual disabilities in England (‘Valuing People’) after 2001 has not made sufficient progress for people with more complex needs. A revision of the policy has identified this (‘making it happen for everyone’) as a goal. One of the groups identified as not receiving better services quickly enough are adults with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. This master class describes the results of a review of services for adults with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities and its recommendations for action. Participants in the master class will have the opportunity to assess Victorian policy and practice in the light of the issues identified.
Enquiries to Professor Christine Bigby, C.Bigby@latrobe.edu.au – bookings essential

The Argo Trust

At the recent ASSID conference in Hobart I had the pleasure of hearing about a great organisation called the Argo Trust. Dayna and Leigh talked about the history and culture of this single house organisation. The essential role of families in the establishment and ongoing success of the organisation was evident. I was particularly inspired with how the organisation appeared to stand up to funding bodies to say “no, that requirement is not meaningful and appropriate for us” and stand strong to have their voices heard. Images of the community of Argo provided evidence of respect, and the voices of staff and families caried love.
The service is in New Zealand. You can find out more throught their website www.argo.org.nz and blog http://argotrust.blogspot.com/