I was excited to see this snippet today called Understanding Suraj (read about it in the most recent UK Intensive Interaction Newsletter). I will definitely by buying the whole DVD. What do you think of it, how did it make you feel?
Attentive Engagement
I was excited to see this snippet today called Understanding Suraj (read about it in the most recent UK Intensive Interaction Newsletter). I will definitely by buying the whole DVD. What do you think of it, how did it make you feel?
Great new resource from Mencap in UK. A beautiful multimedia package. Check out the website at http://www.mencap.org.uk/involveMe.
The Involve Me resource aims to increase the involvement of people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) in decision making and consultation. The resource is the result of a three year project, supported by the Renton Foundation and run by Mencap in partnership with the British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD).
People with PMLD and staff took part by learning about and using different approaches to communication: sharing stories, creative communication, peer advocacy and multimedia advocacy.
I also requested the DVD and got my hot little hands on it yesterday. If you do get hold of it check out the Robbie video. It’s a great video of a man who enjoys throwing a spoon and this is valued by staff rather than seen as a problematic behaviour – I love it. One day when I get time I’d love to do something on the valuing of idiosyncratic skills!