People with profound intellectual and multiple videos – in online training

Last year I was honored to be asked to be part of Nick Lennox and team’s fantastic online learning course focusing on the health of people with intellectual disability.

Here is my little piece of it. I hope it does positive justice to people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities, enhancing understanding, respect and consideration of them and those people who support them.

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DVD cover Understanding Suraj
DVD cover

I was excited to see this snippet today called Understanding Suraj (read about it in the most recent UK Intensive Interaction Newsletter). I will definitely by buying the whole DVD. What do you think of it, how did it make you feel?

Raising Our Sights – video

After several months of waiting, the UK Raising Our Sights video that accompanies the report is now on the Department of Health website. It has been segmented into parts, for download size purposes I assume. I recommend watching all parts – but if you have to choose, I would recommend starting with Victoria and Mitchell’s video (Alex and Simon perhaps are more in-line with having severe ID rather than profound – but nevertheless it is a good video).
I think this an important example of supporting adults with PIMD and it may be helpful to both services and families supporting people with PIMD.
Click here for both the report and the videos.